
The content available on the website is for general information purposes only. No guarantee is given for completeness, accuracy or reproduction. Liability for the content of the information available is excluded unless it is intentional or grossly negligent misinformation.

provider identification

RS ImmoPro GmbH
Managing Director: Reinhold Sieverding
Gutenbergstraße 23
46325 Borken-Burlo
Telephone 02862-4167333
Fax 02862-4195610

VAT ID No.: DE 813208088
Register type and location: Commercial Register Coesfeld
Registration number: HRB 8948

WEEE No. DE15865199

tax identification
VAT ID No.: DE 813208088

bank details
Name of the bank: Volksbank Rhede
IBAN: DE43428618140042199900
Account holder: RS ImmoPro GmbH